About the GLR
The Great Lakes Region of the Wesleyan Church (otherwise known as The GLR) is a diverse collection of churches in Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Our churches are rural, suburban, urban, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational, led by women and men called to carry out The Great Commission.
Our mission is to equip and empower pastors
and leaders to seek and save the lost.
In our region, there are 22 Million individuals who have yet to come into a life-transforming and eternity-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, and we are passionately committed to joining Jesus in reaching them.

Our desire is to Equip & Empower every pastor
and leader to lead mission-minded churches that are:

Spiritually Alive
We hunger and thirst for Jesus. We pursue the presence and power of Holy Spirit and lean into new and deeper ways to know Him and make Him known resulting in salvations, baptisms, and full discipleship – becoming more like Jesus each day.

Evangelistically Effective
We are focused on reaching those who have yet to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe this is exactly what Jesus would have us and what the Holy Spirit empowers us to do. We further believe that all believers should multiply their influence as disciples of Christ to raise up and disciple others. This is nothing more than “the basic Christian life.”
(Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:18-20, Acts 1:8)

Raising up the Next Generation of Leaders
We spend time and resources developing the Next Generation of Leaders. Empowering, encouraging, equipping, and releasing them into our churches and the world as representatives of Christ.

Living Into Kingdom Fullness
Jesus taught us to pray, “Father… Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Our prayer is to see God’s Kingdom come into fullness in our churches because we believe Holy Spirit is not only making all things new inside of us but also desires to make all things new through us. Therefore, we choose to intentionally overcome racial divides and socioeconomic issues through community-centered initiatives so our world may see what a full picture of “heaven on earth” looks like.
(2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 5:13, Isaiah 43:19, Revelation 21:5)

Leadership Development:Helping leaders maximize their impact and effectiveness because the urgency of the mission is rising.
Evangelism & Church Multiplication:Equipping and empowering churches and leaders to impact lives and communities, becoming disciple-makers and church multipliers
Soul Care:Investing in the inner lives of pastors so they can thrive in their ministry context.
Kingdom Force:Supporting churches as they discern what it means to be Jesus’ church in society and how He wants to use the Church to usher in His Kingdom.