Political Resources
Navigating The Political Climate
We recognize that navigating the political climate in your church can feel daunting. We hope to aid you in this process by providing resources that will help you feel more prepared as you lead and minister during this season.

Local Pastor Political Resources
Pastor Craig Rees - Senior Pastor of Central Wesleyan Church, Holland Mi.
The 5 Steps to Navigating The Political Climate
as a Church
Recommended Resources
The Great Dechurching: The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? by Jim Davis, Michael Graham, Ryan P. Burge
Joel DeYoung, Bonhoeffer on Resistance
Samuel P. Huntington, American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony (a hard read but the book underpins a lot of articles about the comparison between the 1960’s and 2020).

College Professor
Political Resources
Dr. Miranda Zapor Cruz - Professor at Indiana Wesleyan University
Writes on the Intersection of Kingdom & Country
Recommended Resources
The (&) Campaign: and its book Compassion & Conviction by Justin Giboney.
Thou Shalt Not Be A Jerk by Eugene Cho
How to Be a Patriotic Christian by Richard Mouw
The Liturgy of Politics by Kailyn Schiess
Disunity in Christ by Christena Cleveland
On Christian Nationalism specifically, The Religion of American Greatness by Paul D. Miller
Podcast Episodes
Additional Recommendations
Is Your Church Choosing Political Sides Without Realizing It?
An interview with Ed Stetzer and Andy Stanley, released around the 2020 elections when Andy wrote his book "Not In It To Win It."